idiot medicine

truth to slay the idiot within

Proverbs 19:5

“A false witness will not go unpunished,
 and he who breathes out lies will not escape.”

Idiot School November

#17 Be a liar.

To achieve maximum idiot status, lie and deceive. A lot.

When a bold faced lie won’t work, try:



½ Truths




Truths you have not “fact-checked”

Broker those babies like currency. It makes sense in your mind, so it HAS TO BE true.

Things you assume might be true…believe them…as if they are true, emotionally respond as if all your assumptions are true and of course, spread your assumed truths to others.

Never do the work to simply ask your friend directly, “I heard this, is this true?”

Never use phrases like “Can you help me understand why this is being said?”

Never assume the best…always assume the worst. It’s never a rumor, it is always evidence of the worst possible scenario being true.

Never give benefit of doubt…gather “he said / she said’s” and attack.

It will not hurt or damage a thing and will build tons of trust in you.

Idiots cannot care about defending the reputations of those they care about, when they are not in the room. It’s the noble people who defend their friends reputations when those friends are not around.

That is not us. Nobility is for spares.


Need Your Help. Opportunity for some of you. I’m looking for three people that would be interested in sermon feedback or a talk / speech feedback. Email or Text me a video or audio link to the sermon, I’ll listen and make notes of my responses and debrief it with you on a 40 minute zoom. No cost to you, other than your zoom time. It’s a pilot project. [email protected] 901-230-4128

November “Idiot School”, all month long, baby.

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