idiot medicine

truth to slay the idiot within

Proverbs 19:8

“Whoever gets sense, loves his own soul;”

You discovering and understanding you… you at a soul level… is some of the greatest work you can accomplish.

The Psalmist says we, each one of us, are fearfully and wonderfully made.

John Calvin, page one of his Institutes, says “To know God we must first look within.” (JB paraphrase)

That sounds like 21st century self-help, gobbly gook. Sounds more Osteen than Calvin.

But Cal’s punchline is…when we truly see ourself, only then do we see our need…and until we see our need, we will never raise our eyes and reach out to our Need Meeter…who is always reaching towards us and initiating our reach.

Glory! Someone hit that Hammond B.

Grindforth! Needy…with a perfectly sufficient Need Meeter.

Big Need = Big Savior

Big Savior = Big Love

Big Love = Big Worship

Big Worship = Big Obedience