idiot medicine

truth to slay the idiot within

Proverbs 23:1-2

When you sit down to eat with a ruler,
 observe carefully what is before you,
 and put a knife to your throat
 if you are given to appetite.”

When someone invites you into an opportunity or presents to you a gift…

proverbial warning here to always “carefully observe” / consider:

is this too good to be true?

what’s the price tag on this?

what is being expecting of me in return for this?

A wise mentor put this idea to me these ways…

“Most all conflict is the direct result of differing, unspoken or unmet expectations.”

“Unspoken expectation is premeditated conflict.”

Another wise mentor had me draw a straight line at the top of one of those big post-it notes and label that line “Expectations”

He had me draw a second straight line a the bottom of the page and label that line “Reality”

He then had me label all the area between those two lines (a massive space by the way) as “Disappointment and Conflict”.


Please pass along.